If you want to reflash your brand new Nokia n800/n810, follow the steps below:
- On the n800/n810 run the Backup/Restore app and backup all your data to a flash card
- On a Linux PC download the Linux flasher-3.0
- In the same directory download the latest firmware image. As of June 26th, 2008 it's Diablo:
- Make sure the battery of your n800/n810 is fully charged.
- Unplug the charger and switch off the Nokia n800/n810.
- Connect the tablet to your computer via USB without turning it on
- On the Linux PC execute as root:
./flasher-3.0 -F RX-34_DIABLO_4.2008.23-14_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R
- It should display: "Suitable USB device not found, waiting" in the terminal window
- While holding the "home" button (the bottom one with the house on it), plug in the charger or push the power button.
- You should see the upgrade status on the n800/n810 after which it reboots automatically -- you're done now!
You might find that if you've stored the firmware and the flasher on a remote network filesystem you might get a permission denied message. If this happens just move both to a local filesystem until you're done flashing. Once you've written the firmware you'll want to configure networking and check for updates.
- Connect to a wireless network (may need to reconfigure network security)
- Start Application Manager - Settings -> Application Manager
- Enable Extras catalog - Menu -> Tools -> Application Catalog
- Insert flash card with recent backup
- Start Backup/Restore - System -> Backup/Restore
- Choose most recent backup and select the Restore button
- Select data to restore, make sure Application list is checked
- It will reboot when done