I use the SuperBlogger plugin to add blogging features to Joomla! In the past I had article star ratings, links to bookmark the article, digg it, add it to del.icio.us and to post it on Facebook.

As time goes on some of these services have dropped away or have been replaced by others. I'm really starting to use Google+ more so while adding +1 buttons to my template I cleaned it up a bit too. Anymore the big three in social networking is Twitter, Facebook and Google+. The latter arguably may replace both of the former. WIth this in mind I've slimmed down the template to only include Tweet this!, +1 and post on Facebook. There is still a link to Disqus comments as well as I want to encourage commenting. Also the Twitter and Google+ links are both on the main article listing page as well as the individual article page. This allows you to tweet the article without having to click on it's header first. A lot of times I'll post the entire article without a Read More link so people may never see the Twitter, Google+ and Facebook links.

I hope you like the new cleaner look. The old links for PDF, Print and Email are still present as I use them myself. Enjoy