If you're running virtually any version of Xen Cloud Platform you may have run into this error message.

Your license has expired.  Please contact your support representative.

It's not really possible to have an expired license on Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) since it's FREE. It's just a regressive bug that has been very stubborn. However, until they fix it for real in XCP 1.5 you'll need follow the steps below.  

Open a root terminal on the XCP host and copy and paste the commands below.


service xapi stop;sleep 5
NEXTMONTH=`date --date="next Month" '+%Y%m%d'`
sed -i "s/\(expiry.\{3\}\)[0-9]\{8\}/\1$NEXTMONTH/g" /var/xapi/state.db
service xapi start
echo done


The last line is only to get all the important lines to run automatically. If you don't hit enter it doesn't hurt anything.  You could also copy and paste these lines into a script and have it run as a cronjob. Because XCP doesn't like you bumping it's "evaluation license" out more than 30 days you might want to run the cronjob once a week to make sure your license doesn't lapse while you're waiting for the cronjob to run