The Xenapi Admin Tools are starting to  become so useful that I don't like having XCP hosts without them. Currently you can go to and download the archive onto your host, extract it and then copy the tools to your PATH. This however, is a lot of work since they get updated often. In the coming weeks (months?) I'll be finishing the Yum repo for Xenapi Admin Tools so the XCP package manager can keep them up to date. Until I get that accomplished however it may be easier to just install git and clone the github repository. Every time you want to get updates you'd just cd into the xenapi-admin-tools directory and run git pull.


With that in mind we have to add the EPEL repository where git is housed in order to use Yum to install it.


Install the EPEL repo

rpm -ivh


Install git

yum install git


Disable EPEL repo

The EPEL repository is enabled by default so we didn't have to do anything special to install git. However, you may not want it enabled all the time because packages that EPEL hosts may replace XCP specific packages and mess up your system

sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo



Configuring git

To use git to clone our Xenapi Admin Tools repository you'll need to set a few configuration items.

git config --global "Your User Name"
git config --global "Your Email Address" git config --global credential.helper cache git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 3600'


Now that git is configured you'll want to clone the repository.

cd /root
git clone


This will create a xenapi-admin-tools directory in /root. The tools are in xenapi-admin-tools/releases/<version number> so you'll probably want to copy them to somewhere in the system PATH (or make a symbolic link). I personally use a /root/bin directory to hold them.