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- Category: Gadget Blog
There are however a couple of reasons I haven't purchased one and now those reasons may be vanishing.......
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- Category: Travel Blog
I believe I have uploaded all the Paris photos that I'm going to. Some need to be rotated, some need to be deleted and some need to be loaded into the Gimp and worked on but none of that is getting done right now because it's taking me forever just to get them uploaded.
I'm working on the Slovenia photos now. I'd like to have them and the Croatia photos uploaded by the end of the week.
Western Europe 2007 photo gallery
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- Category: Photography Blog
I just ran across this news item a minute ago. Some of you know that I love my Gorillapods and take them everywhere. There are many shots that I just wouldn't have gotten without the gorillapod. Actually I don't use it quite as much as I used to since I got optical image stabilization which helps a great deal.
Anyway Deal Extreme has the original gorillapod on sale for about $6 including shipping! That's about 1/3 what I paid. Buy one now.
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- Category: Site News
Since I'm back from holiday I've been putting a little time into grantmcwilliams.com again. My main interest is in making it less confusing, tweaking settings, and adding content. I still have a few issues with the setup like not being able to point a menu item (left side menu) directly to a photo gallery so instead you get the top level gallery and have to click on the category (travel, food etc..) in order to get to what you thought you were getting in the first place.
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- Category: Travel Blog
Wired ran a story describing Lukas Grunwald's Defcon talk on an attack on airport passport readers. After extracting data from the (read-only) chip in a legitimate passport, he placed a version of the data with an altered passport photo (JPEG2000 is used in these chips) into a writable chip. The altered photo created a buffer overflow in two RFID readers he tested, causing both to crash. Grunwald suggests that vendors are typically using off-the-shelf JPEG2000 libraries, which would make the vulnerability common.
Read the article at Wired.com
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- Category: Site News
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- Category: Site News
More later...
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- Category: Travel Blog
Quitting your job and travelling might seem like a really irresponsible risky thing to do but many are doing it. I spend three months a year in other countries and I insist on it when I take jobs. As I travel I meet people all over the world that are doing year long trips and some of them aren't just out of college either if you know what I mean. I met a woman in Croatia that had never travelled before and decided it was time so she found a way and was spending one year gone. It's common place in South America to find one year travellers going around the world.
The Washington Post wrote an article about this...
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- Category: Bash
An interesting commandline calender. If you don't supply an argument it will show you the output of cal (current month) but if you supply it a number 12 and lower it will show you that month in this year but if the number is 13 or above it will show you a calender of the year specified.
# Syntax acal
function acal {
case $# in
0) cal; return;; #no arguments
1) m=$1; y=`date +%Y`;; #1 argument
2) m=$1; y=$2;; #2 arguments
case $m in
Jan*|jan* ) m=1;;
Feb*|feb* ) m=2;;
Mar*|mar* ) m=3;;
Apr*|apr* ) m=4;;
May|may ) m=5;;
Jun*|jun* ) m=6;;
Jul*|jul* ) m=7;;
Aug*|aug* ) m=8;;
Sep*|sep* ) m=9;;
Oct*|oct* ) m=10;;
Nov*|nov* ) m=11;;
Dec*|dec* ) m=12;;
[1-9]|1[0-2] ) ;; #numeric month
* ) y=$m; m="";;
cal $m $y
acal $1